
I graduated summa cum laude from Drexel University in June 2023 with a degree in Graphic Design and minors in Interaction Design, Art History and Fine Arts.

I am a passionate designer who has always found joy in the creative process. My love of creativity goes beyond the visual arts. Whether it’s playing the flute, drawing, and painting, or practicing ballet technique, I have always thrived by expressing myself through the arts.

As a designer, I love collaborating, learning with a team, and challenging myself to offer creative solutions to complex problems. This approach has inspired a rigorous creative process that includes research, brainstorming, and iterating on design solutions. I believe this has allowed me to create work that clearly communicates ideas and information that are visually engaging.

My current and past clients have expressed their appreciation for my design process and commitment to delivering the best possible design solutions. For my Drexel co-op, I worked for Exit Design, a Philadelphia research-based design firm that connects people, information, and environments through visual communications. I was a full-time member of their design team for six months and worked with placemaking strategies and wayfinding experiences to create branded environments that are easy for the public to navigate.

Please take a look at my work and connect with me!


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